
Phelps Lab Members

Ed Phelps, PhD
Principal InvestigatorAssistant ProfessorJ. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering

Andrece Powell
Laboratory ManagerFixer, organizer extraordinaire and experimentalist

Sandra Ferreira, PhD
Postdoctoral FellowEffect of the neurotransmitter GABA on islet hormone secretion

Alexandra Cuaycal, PhD
Postdoctoral Fellow (joint w/ Mathews Lab)Islet immune interface in living pancreas tissue slices

Mollie Huber
PhD Student (joint w/ Mathews and Atkinson Labs)Live human pancreas tissue slices as a platform for investigating immunopathological processes of type 1 diabetes

Adrienne Widener
PhD StudentGranular hydrogel materials as extracellular microenvironments

Charles Lazimi
PhD StudentDynamic real-time sensing of pancreatic islet physiology

Austin Stis
PhD StudentMechanisms of islet GABA secretion

Cameron Manson
PhD StudentEngineering local immune tolerance for beta cell replacement in type 1 diabetes

Aliyah Tate
PhD StudentEngineering immune cell – beta cell interactions

Undergraduate Students

Abilene Roberts

Leigh Baratta

Dylan Smurlick

Arabella Readey

Lab Alumni

PhD Students
Walker Hagan, Scientist II – NMJ Team Lead, Hesperos, Inc.Matthew Becker, Postdoctoral Fellow, Weaver Lab, Arizona State UniversityJorge Santini-González, recent graduate

Medical Fellows
Kendra Sylvester-Armstrong, M.D., private practice South FloridaCallie Reeder, M.D., University of Tennessee Medical Center

Masters Students
Robert Dolan – Engineer at U.S. Food and Drug AdministrationJennifer Simonovich – University of Florida, BME PhD ProgramSushain Kaul – University of Florida, APK PhD Program

Yarelis Gonzales Vargas, BME PhD Program, Georgia Institute of TechnologyMallika Bhatta, Medical Honors Program (joint BS, MD), University of FloridaNatalia Vallenilla, Clinical Specialist, Electrophysiology at AbbottKevin Ling, BME PhD Program, University of RochesterShabeen Raza, Technical Development Program Engineer at Edwards LifesciencesRebecca Erwin, Hydrogen Shot Fellow at DOEMaryum Salim, Commissioning, Qualification, and Validation Engineer at JacobsCaroline Lesher, M.S.Program in Biomedical Engineering, University of FloridaVeronica Bubay, recent graduate, B.S. Biomedical Engineering, University of South CarolinaConor Given, recent graduate, B.S. Biomedical Engineering, University of Florida