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Ubiquitous computing aims to enable and support anywhere, anytime, context-aware applications. Sensing, interpretation and integration of events, behaviors and environmental states have been keys to the success of such ubiquitous systems. Over the past two decades, there has been a constant shift of sensor observation modeling, representation, interpretation and usage, namely from low-level raw observation data and their direct/hardwired usage, data aggregation and fusion, to high-level formal context modeling and context-based computing. It is envisioned that this trend will continue towards a further higher level of abstraction, allowing situation, activity and goal modeling, representation and inference, thus realizing the vision of ubiquitous computing. The proposed “mini-track” workshop intends to bring together researchers and practitioners from relevant fields to present and disseminate the latest accomplished and/or ongoing research on Situation, Activity and Situation Awareness (SAGAware) and their novel application in ubiquitous computing. It aims to facilitate knowledge transfer and synergy, bridge gaps between different research communities/groups, lay down foundation for common purposes, and help identify opportunities and challenges for interested researchers and technology and system developers.
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