Postdoc Becky Wachs accepts faculty position

Dr. Becky Wachs

April 28, 2016
Congratulations to Dr. Rebecca Wachs who has accepted a faculty position at the University of Nebraska, to begin January 2017. Becky has been a postdoc in the Schmidt Lab since June 2014.

Becky received her BS from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in Mechanical Engineering. In 2013, she received her PhD in Biomedical Engineering from RPI. Becky had prior industry experience at both Zeiss and RTI Surgical, Inc. Becky’s research in our lab has been focused predominantly on low back pain and modulating/blocking neural ingrowth into the disc as a means to alleviate pain.

We are sad to see Becky leave in the Fall but are excited for her as she starts her own independent lab at the University of Nebraska! Congrats Becky!

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