Dr. Schmidt receives Clemson Award for Applied Research

April 4, 2019

Dr. Schmidt was awarded the 2019 Clemson Award for Applied Research from the Society for Biomaterials, and presented her keynote at the SFB Annual Meeting in Seattle last April (2019).

Clemson Awards are given in honor of the strong traditional ties between the Society for Biomaterials and Clemson University that have existed since 1974. Awardees are selected by the Society for Biomaterials Awards, Ceremonies and Nominations Committee and confirmed by the President of Clemson University.

Schmidt was selected for “her development of a useful device or material which has achieved widespread usage or acceptance, or expanded knowledge of biomaterials/host tissue relationships which have received widespread acceptance and resulted in improvements in the clinical management of disease.”

For the full story, see: https://bme.ufl.edu/schmidt-receives-national-clemson-award-for-applied-research.

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