Allison starts summer internship at Dow Chemical

May 20, 2024

Allison was selected to participate in an industry internship with Dow Chemical in Michigan, as part of the “2023-2024 Campus Internship – Digital Innovation – Cross-functional (Ph.D)”. She will be working in the Toxicology and Environmental Research and Consulting department. Kudos to Allison!

Schmidt Lab Spring 2024 UG Presentations

April 25, 2024

Another great set of Schmidt Lab UG Research presentations! Congratulations to our amazing students who contribute so much to our research endeavors! We sadly bid farewell to Steven Robles-Blasini, as he moves to a new lab for different research exposure.

Kennedy and Izabela selected as University Scholars

April 2, 2024

Congratulations to Schmidt Lab UG researchers, Kennedy Moes

and Izabela Zmirska, on being selected as 2024-25 University Scholars. Kennedy researches injectable hydrogels for spinal cord injury, under the mentorship of Dr. Gopal Agarwal, and Izabela works under the mentorship of Allison Campbell investigating development of hydrogel-based inks for biological 3D printing. Congratulations, Kennedy and Izabela!

Izabela Zmirska receives Goldwater Scholarship

March, 29, 2024

Congratulations to our outstanding undergraduate researcher, Izabela Zmirska, for receiving the prestigious 2024 Barry Goldwater Scholarship. Only 508 awarded across the US. This is the second Goldwater recipient from our lab. Izabela works under the mentorship of Allison Campbell investigating development of hydrogel-based inks for biological 3D printing. She will be at Columbia University this summer as part of an REU. Kudos, Izabela!

Gopal Receives UF BME Postdoc Excellence Award

Dec. 8, 2023

Congrats to Schmidt Lab postdoc, Dr. Gopal Agarwal, on receiving the 2023 UF BME Postdoc Excellence Award! He was nominated “for his excellent work in establishing a robust research program on biomaterials for spinal cord injury, for his dedicated mentorship of younger trainees, and for his outstanding service to the department and BME profession.”

Congratulations Gopal! Well-deserved recognition!

Schmidt Lab UG Talks and Holiday Party

Dec. 7, 2023

Great Schmidt Lab UG presentations and holiday celebration! It was nice to hear from our hard-working UG researchers, Steven Robles-Blasini, Samantha Shumard, Izabela Zmirska, and Kennedy Moes. Nice food, good conversation, gift exchange, and fun games!

Schmidt Lab Celebration and Farewell to Eleana

Oct. 30, 2023

We had fun celebrating all the lab successes of the semester and bidding farewell to Schmidt Lab postdoc, Dr. Eleana Manousiouthakis. Always a good time at Chuy’s! Wonderful team and great roast presented by Blanca!

Schmidt Lab at BMES 2023 in Seattle

Oct. 11-14, 2023

The Schmidt Lab was well represented at the Annual Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Conference in Seattle, Washington. Our presenters included postdocs Drs. Eleana Manousiouthakis and Gopal Agarwal, PhD student Allison Campbell, and undergraduate students Alejandro Machado and Samantha Shumard. In addition, Dr. Schmidt gave the BMES Diversity Award Lecture, representing UF BME. Kudos to our entire team for doing a fantastic job!

New Academic Year Lab Party

Sept. 2, 2023

The Schmidt Lab started the new academic year off with a potluck party at Dr. Schmidt’s home. Lots of good food and we had fun playing interactive games on Jack Box. It was nice to relax and simply enjoy each other’s company!

Dr. Schmidt Promoted to Distinguished Professor

Aug. 16, 2023

Kudos to Dr. Schmidt for receiving promotion to Distinguished Professor. The title “Distinguished Professor” is the highest honor that the University of Florida bestows on its own faculty members.

According to UF, “The title of Distinguished Professor/Curator acknowledges an exceptional record of achievement in the areas of teaching, research and publication, and professional and public service that is recognized both nationally and internationally. An exceptional record of achievement is one that places the candidate at the top of their discipline in at least one area, with a record of significant distinction in the other areas.  The title of Distinguished Professor/Curator is a rare and special achievement.” –

Congratulations, Professors Schmidt on this significant milestone!