Zin Khaing

Zin KhaingDr. Zin Khaing

Research Assistant Scientist

Ph.D., Neurobiology
BMS J298, University of Florida

Office: 352-273-9338
Lab: 352-273-6865
Email: zkhaing@ufl.edu

Year Joined Lab: 2006

Education, Training

  • PhD, Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience, Mount Sinai School of Medicine, NY. 2005 (Thesis Advisors: Drs Mariann Blum and James Roberts)
  • BS, Biology, The Catholic University of America, Washington DC. 1996.


Using Engineered Biomaterials for Repair Strategies in the Central Nervous System

My research interests are in the field of plasticity and regeneration within the central nervous system. Currently we are using spinal cord injury as a model system, and are using engineering approaches to develop materials to aid in the process of axonal regeneration. Particularly I am interested in extracellular matrix molecules, the roles they play in the formation of scar tissue, and nerve regeneration after injury. The two main projects that I am involved in study the effects of 1) acellular nerve grafts, and 2) hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel implants on regeneration of severed axons within the adult mammalian spinal cord.

In addition I am also developing 3D in vitro culture systems with hyaluronic acid-based hydrogel for proliferation and differentiation of neural stem cells in a controlled manner into dopaminergic neurons.

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