Congratulations to Kaiyuan and Anthony for successful PhD defense!


It has been a busy month in the Stabler lab, with both Kaiyuan Jiang and Anthony Frei successfully defending their PhD theses! Dr. Jiang defended his dissertation entitled “LOCAL MODIFICATION OF POLYDIMETHYLSILOXANE-BASED SCAFFOLD IMPLANTS TO IMPROVE ISLET GRAFT EFFICACY AND MODULATE HOST RESPONSE”, where he highlighted the important of modulating inflammation within the islet microenvironment. Dr. Frei defended […]

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New publication on Islet Metabolomics published


Congrats to Drs Buchwald and Ricordi, as well as lead authors Marta and Alejandro, for the recent publication of our collaborative work on examining the impact of low oxygen and inflammatory signals on the metabolomic profile of human pancreatic islets. This study may help lead to the identification of potential biomarkers and provide another means to track […]

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