Month: August 2020

New publication on immune recognition of encapsulated cells published in Biomaterials!
/Ying Li, along with fellow doctoral students Anthony Frei, Ethan Y Yang, and Magdalena Samojlik, MS researchers Chuqiao Sun and Yanan Rong, lab manager Irayme Labrada-Miravet, and in collaboration with Dr Bayer, recently published our findings on investigating the role of the adaptive arm of the immune system in the recognition and attack of encapsulated […]
Read more »Congrats Jiapu Liang!
/A BIG congratulations to, Jiapu Liang, who will be awarded the Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Outstanding Student Award during the upcoming 2020 TERMIS-AM Conference. The TERMIS-AM Outstanding Student Award recognizes a student “who has shown outstanding research accomplishments within the tissue engineering and regenerative medicine field.”. The nomination is based on student contributions and a […]
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