We have recently published our highly collaborative work on the use of PEG grafting of islets to improve transplant outcomes. This work establishes the significant benefits of linking single chain polymers to the islet surface, with significantly improved islet survival and function long term. This manuscript, lead by Dr Stabler and Dr Norma Kenyon at the University of Miami , required strong integration of polymer engineering, contributed by Drs Giraldo and Gattas-Asfura, with immunology and transplant models, contributed by Dr Berman, Ms Willman, Mr Rabassa, Mr Geary, and Mr Diaz, as well as the elegant surgical skills of Dr Norman Kenyon. With establishment of benefits in transplantation, future work will focus on improving the coatings, as well as translating this technology to the clinic.

Check out the article here: 
Transplantation of PEGylated islets enhances therapeutic efficacy in a diabetic nonhuman primate model

Also, check out the cover art, which features our work.