Author: Stabler, Cherie

2016 Southeast Biomaterials Day
Stabler will be presenting her work at the 2016 Southeast Biomaterials Day on October 14th at Georgia Tech. As highlighted on the website, “This all-day research conference organized by Georgia Tech’s Student Chapter of the Society for Biomaterials is designed to build regional biomaterials networking opportunities by inviting attendees from surrounding schools, industry, and government”.
Read more »Join the Stabler lab at BMES!
/The Stabler lab will be presented some of their research at the 2016 BMES National Conference in Minneapolis, MN. Plus, UF BME will have a great booth for relaxing and learning more about our department, so feel free to stop by! Stabler Presentations: Nicolas Abuid will be presenting a talk entitled “Engineering Antioxidant Nanoscale Layer-by-Layer Coatings […]
Read more »New Award from JDRF on Engineering Scaffolds for Islet Transplantation
/Our laboratory was recently awarded a new grant from the JDRF on engineering scaffolds for islet transplantation. This grant, in collaboration with the Diabetes Research Institute at the University of Miami, will focus on engineering highly translational platforms for housing islets for implantation. The Stabler lab will seek to improve on the PDMS scaffold base implant by incorporating drugs (for local […]
Read more »Inspiring lecture by Dr. Schatz at ADA
Dr. Desmond Schatz, President of the American Diabetes Association (ADA) and Professor and Medical Director of the UF Diabetes Institute, gave an inspirational talk entitled “Confronting the Invisible Disease” at the National ADA meeting in New Orleans last week. This is what drives us every day to keep pushing to find a long-term solution to this […]
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Join us for the World Biomaterials Congress in Vancouver!
/The Stabler team is heading to Vancouver, Canada for the 2016 World BIomaterials Congress on May 17-22nd! Be sure to attend the New Frontiers Symposium: Next-generation biomaterials for islet delivery and engraftment for diabetes, co-organized by Dr. Stabler, Dr. Garcia (GT), and Dr. deVos (University Medical Center Groningen).
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Congratulations to Jaime on his new position at JDRF!
/Congratulations to Jaime Giraldo, a recent PhD graduate from Stabler’s lab, on his appointment to Scientist in the Discovery Research Division of the JDRF! He will be assisting in reviewing new research proposals, management of existing funded projects, and exploration of new funding opportunities. Best of luck Jaime!
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Stabler Lab members elected to positions on TERMIS!
/Congratulations to Maria Coronel for being elected to the position of Treasurer on the Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society (TERMIS) Student and Young Investigator AM Section (SYIS)! Dr. Stabler was also recently elected to the Membership Committee for TERMIS-AM, where she also serves on the Continental Council.
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Successful Consortium of Human Islet Biomimetics Meeting
/The Stabler-Agarwal-Ricordi team hosted the 1st Annual Consortium of Human Islet Biomimetic (CHIB) Annual Meeting in Miami on Dec 3-4th. This meeting brought together the groups funded by this consortium, which is a part of the Human Islet Research Network (HIRN), to present progress and discuss common challenges and objectives. Dr. Stabler, Dr Chaimov and Dr. Gattás-Asfura were in […]
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Awards at IPITA-CTS-IXA World Congress in Melbourne Australia!
/Congratulations to Maria Coronel and Anthony Frei who both won Scientific Awards from the Cell Transplantation Society at the IPITA-CTS-IXA World Congress in Melbourne Australia! Maria, Anthony (and Kaiyuan Jiang) all gave fantastic presentations and the rest of the attending lab members (Debbie Chaimov and Irayme Labrada) also enjoyed this strong conference (and the great location).
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Join us at the IPITA-CTS-IXA World Congress in Melbourne Australia!
/The Stabler team is heading to Melbourne, Australia for the 2015 IPITA-CTS-IXA World Congress on October 7-10, 2015. Members of the Stabler lab will be given oral and poster presentations, with: Dr. Stabler will be giving an invited lecture entitled “Layer-by-layer Encapsulation of Bioactive Polymers for Islet Encapsulation” during the JDRF Lunch Symposium: Islet Encapsulation on Monday […]
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Join us for the 2015 BMES Conference in Tampa!
/The 2015 BMES Conference will be held in Tampa, FL on October 7-10, 2015. Members of the Stabler lab will be given oral and poster presentations, with: Kaiyuan Jiang will be giving a talk entitled “Localized Low-Dose Release of Corticosteroid from Macroporous Organosilicone Scaffolds” on Thursday at 9:15 am in the “Inflammation and Immunomodulation in Tissue Engineering […]
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Join us for the 4th World TERMIS Conference!
/The 4th World TERMIS (Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine) conference will be held in Boston, MA on September 8-11, 2015. Join the Stabler lab at the “Immunoprotection and tissue engineering strategies for type 1 Diabetes” session on Thursday, Sept 10th at 10:30pm, where we will present some of our findings, as well as some great […]
Read more »Stabler lab publication featured in Science Translational Medicine!
/Our recent publication on engineering an “infectious” Treg biomimetic was featured as an Editor’s Choice in Science Translational Medicine. The article, entitled “Contagious Biomaterials” highlights the potential impact of our studies in generating tolerance microenvironments for foreign cell grafts. Congrats to senior author Ethan Yang and the rest of the Stabler team, as well as our […]
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New publication on engineering an “infectious” Treg published in Biomaterials!
/Our recent study on engineering an “infectious” Treg via chemoselective conjugation of TGF-beta1 to biomaterial surfaces has been published in the journal Biomaterials. Congrats to the fantastic team, including lead author Ethan, volunteer med school student Josh, Research Assistant Scientist Kerim, and our fantastic immunology collaborator Allison Bayer! Engineering an “infectious” Treg biomimetic through chemoselective tethering of TGF-β1 to […]
Read more »Congratulations to Jaime Giraldo for successful completion of his Ph.D!
/Congratulations to Jaime Giraldo on successful completion of his Ph.D! His thesis, entitled “PEGylation and Bioactive Modification of Pancreatic Islet Surfaces to Enhance Graft Survival in Cell Therapy for Type I Diabetes”, explored the PEGylation of islets to complement short-course immunotherapy in preclinical models, as well as the conjugation of bioactive motifs for directing immunological responses. […]
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New publication on local drug delivery design published in Tissue Engineering!
/Our recent study on designing a biomaterial implant for local drug release using dexamethasone as the model agent has been published in the journal Tissue Engineering. Congrats to the fantastic collaborative team, including lead author Jessica, Ph.D students Song and Yang, and our DRI collaborators Drs Antonello Pileggi, Camillo Ricordi, and Peter Buchwald! Controlled Release of Dexamethasone from […]
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New $1M grant funded on macroencapsulation
/Dr. Stabler, along with her collaborator Dr. Andrés Garcia (Georgia Institute of Technology), were awarded a 3-year grant from the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) on their collaborative project entitled “Engineered Bioactive Hydrogel Macrodevices for Islet Transplantation”. This grant, which provides over $1 million in funding, uses bioactive biomaterials capable of protecting cells from immune rejection, supplementing oxygenation, […]
Read more »Congratulations to Ethan Yang on successful completion of his Ph.D!
/Congratulations to Ethan Yang on successful completion of his Ph.D! His thesis, entitled “Development of immunomodulatory biomaterials for the islet transplant niche”, explored the tethering of proteins or nanoparticles to biomaterial coatings for active modulation of innate and adaptive immune responses. Now, he is back to Medical School!
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Stabler lab Welcome Party!
/With the lab up and running, the Stabler lab hosted their Welcome Lab party! We learned that a lot of our members excel not just in lab work, but party planning! With a Mad Scientist theme, we had fun with decorating the lab and making chocolate gators, “NOD”, “islet” cookies, watermelon brains, and biohazard cupcakes. [Show thumbnails]
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New publication on engineering antioxidant biomaterials published in Acta Biomaterialia!
/Our recent study on designing a self-renewing antioxidant encapsulating biomaterial using cerium oxide nanoparticles has been published in the journal Acta Biomaterialia. Congrats to the lead author Jessica Weaver! Antioxidant cerium oxide nanoparticle hydrogels for cellular encapsulation by Weaver, JD and Stabler, CL Link to article: here
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New publication on modeling insulin responsiveness within alginate capsules published in Biomed Eng Online!
/Our collaboration with Dr. Peter Buchwald’s group on characterizing the effect encapsulation has on the insulin response of pancreatic isletshas been published in the journal Biomed Eng Online. Congrats to the collaborative team, including lead author Dr. Peter Buchwald and his team, and our student Jessica Weaver! Experimental evaluation and computational modeling of the effects of […]
Read more »Student exchange program with University of Twente funded by JDRF
/JDRF has recently funded a student exchange program between our laboratory at the University of Florida and Dr. Aart van Apeldoorn at the University of Twente in The Netherlands. We look forward to exchanging more students between these 2 institutions!
Read more »Stabler Lab moves to UF!
/After 8 years at the University of Miami and the Diabetes Research Institute, the Stabler Lab has moved to the University of Florida! We are excited to expand our research opportunities and collaborators, while maintaining our great current collaborators. We will continue our focus on translational research in Type 1 Diabetes.
Read more »UF announces formation of new Diabetes Institute
/The University of Florida announced today the formation of the UF Diabetes Institute, a collaboration of dozens of researchers campuswide all focused on forging advances in treatment for a disease that afflicts an estimated 29.1 million Americans and 1 in 10 Floridians. The news comes as UF’s long track record in diabetes research was further […]
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