Congratulations to Dr. Lin Yang who won the Young Scientist Best Paper Award at the 18th International Conference on Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Interventions, MICCAI 2015, held in Munich, Germany. The paper, entitled “Joint kernel based supervised hashing for scalable histopathological image analysis,” co-authored by Menglin Jiang, Shaoting Zhang, Junzhou Huang, Lin Yang, and Dimitris N. Metaxas, was one of four best papers selected from a pool of 263 published full-length papers among 810 submissions. This paper has proposed an effective and large-scale content-based image searching and retrieval method for computer-aided diagnosis in digital pathology. Computer-aided diagnosis is crucial to the diagnosis and precise medicine and treatment of diseases, such as cancer, because it can provide objective assistance to the doctors in the interpretation of medical images. In addition to the award-winning paper, Dr. Yang’s lab also has two papers written by UFL BME students (Hai Su and Yuanpu Xie), which were selected in the final Young Scientist Best Paper Award Finalist (13 papers in total).
The MICCAI is the leading premium conference in biomedical image computing (MIC) and computer aided intervention (CAI). MICCAI Proceedings papers are full-length papers that are subjected to strict double-blinded peer review with low acceptance rates. MICCAI attracts annually world leading scientists, engineers and clinicians from a wide range of disciplines associated with medical image computing and computer assisted intervention. The MICCAI Conferences are rotated among the North American, European and Asian continents.
The conference series includes three days of oral presentations and poster sessions. It also includes workshops, tutorials and challenges just before and after the conference. Springer will publish all the papers in LNCS series. Some selected papers will be invited in the Journal of Medical Image Analysis (MIA).