Author: Crimmins,Candi

Why Fluidic Flow is Critical for Cells You Culture

By: Smit Patel, Ph.D. candidate in the Stabler Laboratory Smit Patel, Ph.D. candidate within the Stabler laboratory has recently published his lead-author paper in the journal Science Advances titled, Organoid Microphysiological System Preserves Pancreatic Islet Function within 3D Matrix. This… Read More

Undergraduate student selected as Fernandez Family Scholar

Congratulations to BME undergraduate student, Gianna Sweeting, for being selected as a Fernandez Family Scholar by the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering for her excellent progress and interest in research and graduate studies. Her research focuses on multi-scale neuroimaging modeling… Read More

Stabler awarded Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation grant

Cherie Stabler

Congratulations to Dr. Cherie Stabler, who received a Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation (JDRF) grant for her project, Engineering Bioactive Retrievable 3D Scaffolds for Improving Islet Transplantation. The development of treatment options for insulin-dependent diabetics that provide a highly regulated glucose-sensing… Read More

Stabler elected to serve as President-Elect of TERMIS-AM

Cherie Stabler

Congratulations to BME professor & Integra LifeSciences Term Professor, Dr. Cherie Stabler, who was elected to serve as President-Elect for the Americas Chapter of TERMIS (Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine International Society). Dr. Stabler’s research centers on engineering translational biomaterial… Read More

BME Ph.D. candidate awarded NIH F31 NRSA Fellowship

Robert Accolla

Robert Accolla, Ph.D. candidate in the Stabler lab, received a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship for his project titled, Engineering Modular Oxygen-generating, Pro-vasculogenic Biomaterial Platforms for Cell-Based Therapies. The… Read More

2020 BME Departmental Excellence Award Winners Announced

Congratulations to the J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering departmental award winners! Award winners were selected based on submitted nomination materials and faculty CVs/teaching evaluations. Winners were recognized during the department’s annual Holiday Party! Congratulations to the following… Read More