Author: Crimmins,Candi

Stabler awarded R01 grant from the NIH NIDDK

Cherie Stabler

Congratulations to Cherie Stabler, Ph.D., professor in the J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering, for receiving a $1.7 million RO1 grant from the NIH National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases for her project, “Engineering Immunomodulatory… Read More

Nichols Receives NIH NIBIB R21 Trailblazer Award

Jennifer A. Nichols, Ph.D., assistant professor in the J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering, was recently awarded the National Institutes of Health (NIH) Trailblazer R21 Award for a project designed to use machine learning methods to understand the… Read More

Postdoc awarded NIH T32 TRAM Fellowship

Congratulations to Erika Pliner, Ph.D., who was awarded a NIH T32 Translational Research Training on Aging and Mobility (TRAM) Postdoctoral Fellowship. Pliner studies aging and mobility in the HNL by quantifying the efficacy of balance training paradigms from neuromechanical and biomechanical… Read More

BME Ph.D. candidate awarded NIH F31 NRSA Fellowship

Matthew Becker, Ph.D. candidate in the Phelps Lab, received a 3-year $300K National Institutes of Health (NIH) Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship for his project titled, Engineered Tolerogenic Exosomes for Treating Type 1 Diabetes… Read More

BME alumna receives BMES 2020 Career Development Award

Congratulations to BME alumna Yao Xiao, Ph.D., on being selected to receive a 2020 BMES Career Development Award. The prestigious award aims to “support travel to the BMES Annual Meeting for Graduate Students, Postdoctoral Fellows, and Early Career Professionals from… Read More

Rowlinson to receive the 2020 TERMIS-AM Educational Award

Sarah Rowlinson

UF BME faculty member Sarah Rowlinson, Ph.D., lecturer (teaching-track professor), will receive the TERMIS-AM 2020 Educational Award during the TERMIS-AM conference. The Educational Award is presented based on the educational accomplishments of an individual who serves as an advisor/supervisor of… Read More

BME student awarded TERMIS-AM Recognition

Jiapu Liang

UF BME is pleased to announce that Jiapu Liang, a doctoral student and a graduate researcher in the Stabler Lab, will be awarded the Mary Ann Liebert, Inc. Outstanding Student Award during the upcoming 2020 TERMIS-AM Conference. Liang’s research focuses… Read More

BME Ph.D. candidate awarded NIH F31 NRSA Fellowship

Taylor Yeater, Ph.D. candidate in the Orthopaedic Biomedical Engineering Laboratory, received a National Institutes of Health (NIH) Ruth L. Kirschstein National Research Service Award (NRSA) Individual Predoctoral Fellowship for her project titled, Investigating the role of osteoarthritic pain and inflammation… Read More