Biomedical Sciences Building dedicated

dedicationOn May 11, the new Biomedical Sciences Building (our home) was dedicated by UF president Machen and the deans of the three colleges present in the building: Cammy Abernathy (Engineering), Michael Good (Medicine), and Micheal Perri (Public Health and Health Professions).


Dr. Machen said “Everything about the building’s design bends toward researchers working together. Good science often originates in a chance encounter”.  He referred to the encounter our faculty member Peter McFetridge had with Andy Judge from Physical Therapy.  Their offices are just a few doors down from each other, and they realized that the type of work they do is very similar, be it with different goals.  It is these types of interactions that are symbolized in the new building where labs are open and collaborations encouraged.  This is a clear benefit to a very multidisciplinary field like Biomedical Engineering.