Congratulations to BME affiliate, Dr. Yong Huang, and team whose research on laser bioprinting of three-dimensional (3D) soft and living constructs was recognized to receive an Outstanding Paper Award on June 11, 2015 at the 43rd Society of Manufacturing Engineers (SME) North American Manufacturing Research Conference (NAMRC) in Charlotte, NC.
The paper, titled “Identification of Optimal Printing Conditions for Laser Printing of Alginate Tubular Constructs,” has introduced a modified laser-induced forward transfer approach to freeform fabricate 3D constructs including Y-shaped vascular-like constructs. In particular, this study has aimed to scale-up fabricate biological constructs for implantation or as tissue models. The authors include Ruitong Xiong (Ph.D. student), Zhengyi Zhang (Ph.D. student), and Yong Huang.