Congratulations to BME students Adriana Del Pino Herrera and Skylar Stolte, who have been selected for lightening talk presentations at the Fall 2022 HiPerGator Symposium.
Skylar Stolte, Graduate Research Assistant
DOMINO: Domain-aware Calibration in Medical Image Segmentation
Skylar’s talk extends her project on calibrating deep learning models in medical imaging tasks. Deep learning calibration refers to the idea that deep learning outputs reflect the true probabilities of getting a prediction correct. This concept is essential in applying Artificial Intelligence in high-risk applications like medical diagnosis, self-driving cars, etc. In her work, she performs calibration using a deep learning loss function that penalizes errors based on class similarities.
Adriana Del Pino Herrera, Graduate Research Assistant
High Performance Computing Used in Identifying Mechanisms of PARP Inhibitor Resistance in Cancer
Adriana’s talk will be about the different computational approaches that she has been using to look at single-cell RNA sequencing data in ovarian cancer and identify different mechanisms of resistance to a targeted therapy.