BME News

10th Annual Pruitt Research Day

Thank you to everyone who participated in our 10th Annual Pruitt Research Day! This successful virtual event included student talks, keynote speaker and poster presentations in celebration of the wonderful research being conducted in the department and the BME community.… Read More

Parker and Porras selected as 2022 Global Fellows

Congratulations to Dr. Ivana Parker and Dr. Ana Maria Porras, who were selected as 2022 Global Fellows from the UF International Center. The International Center’s theme of learning without borders extends to our faculty and research community. Through the Global… Read More

2021 BME Halloween Contest Announcement

Thank you to those who participated in our annual Halloween contest! The panel of judges had a lot of fun walking around and seeing everyone’s creative ideas and we are excited to announce the winners! You can find event pictures… Read More

Twenty-Five BME UG students receive scholarships

Century Tower

The J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering is proud to announce that twenty-five BME undergraduate students each received a $1,000 scholarship from the Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering. Molares, Oriana Hilo, Sireen S Chan, Vanessa Richards, Tisana Joanna… Read More

Taylor accepted to the TIGRR Workshop

Congratulations to Dr. Brittany Taylor, assistant professor, who was accepted to the Training in Grantsmanship for Rehabilitation Research (TIGRR) workshop. The competitive TIGRR workshop provides one-on-one mentorship to researchers facing their first major research grant.  The annual four-day workshop includes… Read More

UF BME student selected for Innovation Fellows Program

Congratulations to Cristina Isusi Silgo, BME undergraduate student, for being selected for the Innovation Fellows Program, a joint program between the University of Florida’s Herbert Wertheim College of Engineering and Warrington College of Business. The program is designed to take a… Read More