The Taylor Lab
1275 Center Drive,
Biomedical Sciences Building J384,
Gainesville, FL 32610
Assistant Professor
Nanomedicine, regenerative rehabilitation, biomaterials, and tendon injury and disease
B.S., Biomedical Engineering, University of Virginia, 2010
Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Rutgers the State University of New Jersey, 2016
Research Summary:
Dr. Taylor’s research group investigates the regenerative and reparative processes of musculoskeletal tissues to inform the development of tailored acellular regenerative engineering approaches. Her group is particularly interested in identifying the biological and structural mechanisms that contribute to tendon’s limited healing capacity and using biomimetic matrices, tunable multifactorial delivery systems, and modified subcellular components to overcome deficiencies and complement the healing response.
Honors and Awards:
- Training in Grantsmanship for Rehabilitation Research Mentee, 2021
- University of Pennsylvania Provost’s Postdoctoral Fellow, 2016- 2021Top 100 Inspiring Black Scientists in America Rising Star, 2020
- Bristol Myers Squibb-UNCF Ernest E. Just Postgraduate Associate Fellow, 2020
- MIT Rising Star in Biomedical Science, 2019
- Burroughs Wellcome Fund Postdoctoral Enrichment Program Award, 2019
- Orthopaedic Research Society Tendon Section Conference Trainee Travel Grant Award, 2018
- Mid-Atlantic PREP/IMSD Research Symposium (MAPRS) Distinguished Alumni Award, 2018
- Mack Technology Fellow (Penn Wharton School of Business Entrepreneurship Program), 2018
- Biomedical Engineering Society Cellular and Molecular Bioengineering Student Fellow, 2016
- NIH T32 Biotechnology Training Predoctoral Fellow, 2014-2016
- NSF Alliances for Graduate Education and the Professoriate (AGEP) Fellow, 2013-2016
- National Science Foundation Graduate STEM Fellowship in K-12 Education (GK-12), 2013-2014
Selected Publications:
Google Scholar Citations Link
Taylor, BL., Kim DH., Huegel J., Burkholder S., Weiss S., Nuss C., Raja H., Soslowsky J., Mauck RL, Kuntz AF, Bernstein J. “Localized Delivery of Ibuprofen via a Bilayer Delivery System (BiLDS) for Supraspinatus Tendon Healing in a Rat Model.” Journal of Orthopaedic Research (recently submitted)
Taylor, B.L., Perez, I., Ciprano, J., Freeman, O., Goldstein, A., Freeman, J.W. “Three-Dimensional Porous Trabecular Scaffold Exhibits Osteoconductive Behaviors in Vitro.” Regenerative Engineering and Translational Medicine. DOI: 10.1007/s40883-018-0084-9 (recently accepted)
Taylor, B.L., Indano, S., Yankannah, Y., Patel, P., Perez, I., Freeman, J.W. “Decellularized Cortical Bone Scaffold Promotes Organized Neovascularization In Vivo. Tissue Engineering, Part A.” 25(13-14):p. 964-977 (2019) (doi: 10.1089/ten.tea.2018.0225)
Patel, P., Buckley, C., Taylor, B.L., Sahyoun, C., Patel, S., Mont, A., Mai, L., Patel, S., Freeman, J.W. “Mechanical and Biological Evaluation of a Hydroxyapatite-Reinforced Scaffold for Bone Regeneration.” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research: Part A. 107A: p. 732-741 (2018)
Taylor, B.L., Cheema, A., Soslowsky, L. “Tendon Pathology in Hypercholesterolemia and Familial Hypercholesterolemia.” Current Rheumatology Reports. 19 (76): p. 1-6 (2017)
Taylor, B.L., Limaye, A.N., Yarborough, J.A., Freeman, J.W. “Investigating Various Processing Techniques for a Bovine Gelatin Scaffold for Bone Tissue Regeneration.” Journal for Biomedical Research: Part B. 105(5): p. 1131-1140 (2016)
Taylor, B. *, Andric, T. *, Degen, K., Whittington, A., Freeman, J. “Fabrication and Characterization of Three Dimensional Electrospun Cortical Bone Scaffolds.” Nanomat. Environ. 2: p. 13-21 (2014) (*Equal contribution)
Gupta, A., Main, B.J, Taylor, B.L., Gupta, M., Whitworth, C.A., Cady, C., Freeman, J., El-Amin III, S.F. “Invitro Evaluation of Three-Dimensional Single Walled Carbon Nanotube Composites for Bone Tissue Engineering.” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. 102(11): 4118-4126 (2014)
Andric, T., Taylor. B., Whittington, A., Freeman, J. “Fabrication and Characterization of Three-Dimensional Electrospun Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering.” Regenerative Engineering and Translational Medicine. 1(1): 32-41 (2012)
Andric, T., Wright, L.D., Taylor, B.L., Freeman, J.W. “Fabrication and Characterization of Threedimensional Electrospun Scaffolds for Bone Tissue Engineering.” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A. 100(8): p. 2097-2105 (2012)