1064 Center Drive, NEB 335, PO Box 116131, Gainesville, FL 32611
T: (352) 273-9325F: (352) 273-9221
Associate Professor
Naturally inspired biomaterials for implants and regeneration
B.Sc., Applied Biological Sciences, University of Bath, UK, 1998
Ph.D., Chemical Engineering, University of Bath, UK, 2002
Research Summary:
Dr. McFetridge’s primary research objective is to engineer viable ‘living’ tissue and organs for the repair and regeneration of diseased tissues. His groups research encompasses angiogenesis and arterial regeneration, articular cartilage development as well as effects on primary and stem cell phenotype driven by mechanical and nutrient variation in the ECM microenvironment.
Honors and Awards:
- Tim Brahm Term Professorship, 2015
- Lectureship Award: TOIN Biomedical Engineering, Yokohama, Japan, 2006-2015
- UF International Educator Award, Junior Faculty, 2011
- The Journal Record Innovator of the Year, On the Brink Award, 2007
Selected Publications:
Salma Amensag*, Peter S. McFetridge. “Tuning Scaffold Mechanics by Laminating Native Extracellular Matrix Membranes and Effects on Early Cellular Remodeling,” Journal of Biomedical Materials Research A (Accepted May 2nd 2013)
Marc Moore*, Peter S. McFetridge. “Directed Oxygen Gradients Initiate a Robust Early Remodeling Response in Engineered Vascular Grafts,” Tissue Engineering A. In Press, accepted March 26th 2013
Cassandra Juran*, Franklin Dolwick***, Peter S. McFetridge. “Shear Mechanics of the TMJ Disc: Relationship to Common Clinical Observations,” Journal of Dental Research. February 92 (2) 2013. 193 – 198
Joe Uzarski*, Edward W. Scott, Peter S. McFetridge. “Adaptation of Endothelial Cells to Physiologically-Modeled, Variable Shear Stress,” PLoS ONE 8(2): e57004. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0057004. February 14th 2103.
Zehra Tosun* and Peter S. McFetridge. “Improved recellularization of ex vivo vascular scaffolds using directed transport gradients,” Biotechnology and Bioengineering. 110, Issue 7, pages 2035–2045, July 2013