BEAT Cancer Lab
1064 Center Drive, NEB 364, PO Box 116131, Gainesville, FL 32611
T: 352-846-2762Assistant Professor
Quantitative systems biology, mathematical modeling, cancer heterogeneity and evolutionary dynamics
B.S., Mechanical Engineering, University of Florida, 2012
Ph.D., Biomedical Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology & Emory University, 2017
Research Summary:
Dr. Ferrall-Fairbanks’ research focuses on using quantitative biology approaches to cultivate a mechanistic understanding of tumor heterogeneity and evolution to optimize cancer treatment strategies. Ecology and evolutionary forces in cancer allows a tumor to alter its growth and metastasis. The Battling Evolution through Adaptive Therapies (BEAT) Cancer Lab integrates computational, mathematical, and wet-lab experimental techniques to investigate tumor heterogeneity at the molecular, tissue, and systems levels.
Honors and Awards:
- AACR Doreen J. Putrah Cancer Research Foundation Scholar-in-Training Award, 2020
- BMES Career Development Award, 2019
- Junior Scientist Partnership Award, 2018
- BMES Career Development Award, 2018
- Georgia Tech Faces of Inclusive Excellence, 2015
- Tau Beta Pi Fellow, 2013-2014
- National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship Program Honorable Mention, 2013
Selected Publications:
Miroshnychenko D, Baratchart E, Ferrall-Fairbanks MC, Vander Velde R, Laurie MA, Bui M, Altrock PM, Basanta D, Marusyk A. “Spontaneous cell fusions as a mechanism of parasexual recombination in tumor cell populations.” Nature Eco & Evol (2021). doi: 10.1038/s41559-020-01367-y PMID: 33462489
Damaghi M, West J, Robertson-Tessi M, Liping X, Ferrall-Fairbanks MC, Stewart PA, Persi E, Fridley BL, Altrock PM, Gatenby RA, Sims PA, Anderson ARA, Gillies RJ. “The harsh microenvironment in early breast cancer selects for a Warburg phenotype.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2021 Jan 19; 118(3): e2011342118. doi: 10.1073/pnas.2011342118 PMID: 33452133
Ferrall-Fairbanks MC, Kieslich CA, Platt MO. “Reassessing enzyme kinetics: considering protease-as-substrate interactions in proteolytic networks.” Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 2020 Feb 11; 117(6) 3307-3318. doi: 10.1073/pnas.1912207117 PMID: 31980525
Ferrall-Fairbanks MC, Barry ZT, Affer M, Shuler MA, Moomaw EW, Platt MO. “PACMANS: A Bioinformatically Informed Algorithm to Predict, Design, and Disrupt Protease-on-Protease Hydrolysis.” Protein Science, 2017 Apr; 26(4):880-890. doi: 10.1002/pro.3113 PMID: 28078782
Cvetkovic C*, Ferrall-Fairbanks MC*, Ko E, Grant L, Kong H, Platt MO, Bahir R. “Investigating the Life Expectancy and Proteolytic Degradation of Engineered Skeletal Muscle Biological Machines.” (* co-first author) Scientific Reports, 2017 Jun 19; 7(1):3775. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-03723-8 PMID: 28630410
Ferrall-Fairbanks MC*, West DM*, Douglas SA, Averett RD, Platt MO. “Computational predictions of novel cysteine cathepsins-mediated fibrinogen degradation.” (* co-first author) Protein Science, 2018 Mar; 27(3):714-724. doi: 10.1002/pro.3366 PMID: 29266558
Grant L*, Raman R*, Cvetkovic C, Ferrall-Fairbanks MC, Diaz GP, Hadley P, Platt MO, and Bashir R. “Longterm cryopreservation and revival of tissue engineered skeletal muscle.” (* co-first author) Tissue Engineering Part A. 2019 Jan 9. doi: 10.1089/ten.TEA.2018.0202 PMID: 30412045
Ferrall-Fairbanks MC, Ball M, Padron E, Altrock PM. “Leveraging single cell RNA sequencing experiments to model intra-tumor heterogeneity.” JCO Clinical Cancer Informatics. 2019 Apr: 3:1-10. doi: 10.1200/CCI.1800074 PMID: 30995123
Ferrall-Fairbanks MC, Glazar DJ, Brady RJ, Kimmel GJ, Zahid MU, Altrock PM, Enderling H. “Re: Simulation analysis for tumor radiotherapy based on three-component mathematical models.” Journal of Applied Clinical Medical Physics. 2019 Jul; 20(7)204-205. doi: 10.1002/acm2.12608 PMID: 31145529