Dear BME Graduate Students and Faculty,
I am most pleased to announce that, with the start of our Biomedical Engineering Undergraduate Program in the Fall of 2012, Profs. Van Oostrom and Hintenlang are stepping up to handle new and expanded duties. While this transition has been on-going, we are now making it official. Dr. David Hintenlang is now the Graduate Coordinator, and Dr. Hans van Oostrom has moved to become the new Undergraduate Coordinator. Dr. Hintenlang has long been the the Program Director for the Medical Physics program, which is now integrated in the BME Graduate Program. Dr. van Oostrom will remain the Associate Chair overseeing all the academic programs and curriculum.
Dr. Hintenlang will be available in BMS building (JG-46) Monday and Wednesday Mornings, or by appointment which can be scheduled through Tifiny or directly with Dr. Hintenlang (
Tifiny McDonald will handle both the graduate and undergraduate programs until additional help is hired.