Research Interests: His current research interests in tissue engineering and regenerative medicine include: Three-dimensional (3D) printing of biological and engineering materials using inkjetting, extrusion, and laser-induced forward transfer Design and fabrication of microphysiological and engineered living systems Dr. Yong Huang is… Read More
Dr. Hugh Fan joined UF in 2003 after more than 8 years of industrial experience. His research interests include microfluidics, BioMEMS (Biomedical MicroElectroMechanical Systems), sensors, and bioengineering. His research focus is to develop microfluidics and BioMEMS technologies and apply them to chemical and biomedical applications. Dr. Fan is a… Read More
Research Summary: Dr. Stabler’s research centers on engineering translational biomaterial platforms for cell-based therapies, particularly Type 1 diabetes. Specifically, her research seeks to develop bioactive materials capable of: protecting cells from immunological attack; providing 3-D support of the transplanted cells;… Read More