Research Area: Biomedical Imaging & Application

Carlos M. Rinaldi-Ramos, Ph.D.

Research Summary: Dr. Rinaldi-Ramos’ research is focused on advancing the understanding and biomedical applications of suspensions of magnetic nanoparticles. Of particular interest are situations where the particles respond to magnetic fields by rotating, exerting forces/torques on biological structures, or dissipating… Read More

Wesley E. Bolch, Ph.D.

Research Summary: Dr. Bolch’s research seeks to develop rapid and clinically accessible computational tools for use by radiologists and radiation oncologists to assess radiation organ dose and associated secondary cancer risks to patients following diagnostic imaging or radiation therapy. The… Read More

Ruogu Fang, Ph.D.

Research Summary Dr. Fang’s research focuses on the convergence of artificial intelligence (AI)/deep learning and the brain. Her research themes center around artificial intelligence (AI)-empowered precision brain health and brain/bio-inspired AI. She focuses on questions such as: How to use… Read More

Lynn Rill, Ph.D.

Assistant Professor, Clinical Radiological Physics Director, Diagnostic Imaging Medical Physics Residency Program Director, Alumni Affairs (Medical Physics) Education PhD: University of Florida; Gainesville, FL (Nuclear Engineering Sciences/Medical Physics) MS: Wake Forest University; Winston-Salem, NC (Physics) BA: Wake Forest University; Winston-Salem,… Read More

Xin Tang, Ph.D.

Professor Tang received his Ph.D. from University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. His research interests include cell and molecular mechanics in cancer development and metastasis, cardiovascular system, and neurons; unconventional mechano-electrophysiology; quantitative in vivo/vitro functional bio-imaging; nanotechnology; and development of new… Read More

David Vaillancourt, Ph.D.

Biography: David Vaillancourt is a Professor in the Department of Applied Physiology and Kinesiology at the University of Florida. Dr. Vaillancourt has appointments in Neurology and Biomedical Engineering at UF. Along with Dr. Stephen Coombes, Dr. Vaillancourt co-founded the Laboratory… Read More

Thomas H. Mareci, Ph.D.

Research: Study of Nervous System Structure and Function with Magnetic Resonance Our research focuses on the study of fundamental questions about tissue structure and biochemical processes in the nervous system of living organisms, which are accessible to study with nuclear… Read More

Walter O’Dell, Ph.D.

Our lab is interested in discovering and applying novel image analysis and image-based computational techniques for improved detection, follow-up and treatment of cancer, with particular emphasis on stereotactic body radiation therapy (SBRT). Much of our work is highly translational, with… Read More