Congratulations to Dr. Rosalind Sadleir of the BME department, who recently received $235, 000 as Principal Investigator of a two-year Small Business Innovation Grant from the National Institutes of Health grant awarded to EGI Inc. (Eugene, OR).
Dr Sadleir has been working with Dr Michael Weiss (Pediatrics), and associated investigators Dr Jonathon Williams (Radiology), Dr Peggy Borum (Food Science and Human Nutrition, IFAS), and Dr Linda Young (Statistics, IFAS) to develop methods for multi-parameter monitoring of very low birthweight neonates.
The grant is going to broaden earlier work of Dr Sadleir and her team, supported by an NIH R01 grant, to develop a method for monitoring intraventricular hemorrhage (IVH) in premature newborns. The overall direction of the research will ultimately involve using integrated monitoring – of EEG and blood volume changes, along with blood pressure, blood gas levels and heart rates to investigate the causes of IVH and its possible link to oxygen starvation events occurring during birth. EGI Inc. has keen commercial and research interests in dense array EEG measurements.
The experimental work in the project will involve both a piglet model of IVH and monitoring premature neonates in the NICU.
University of Florida News: UF researchers developing device to detect brain bleeding in pre-term infants