Congratulations to Dr. Parisa Rashidi and her team who received more than $124,000 from the Florida High Tech Corridor Council’s (FHTCC) Matching Funds Research Program!
Currently no specialized machine learning toolkit or datasets exist for the psychotherapy domain, and more specifically for mental health treatment recommendations. Dr. Rashidi and her team in the i-Heal lab are seeking to develop the first algorithms and tools for this domain by forming a long-term collaboration alliance with TAO Connect Inc., a mental health software startup created for UF’s Counseling and Wellness Center as a way to provide more effective anxiety treatment for students.
As a matching grant to a previously awarded NSF STTR, the FHTCC award will allow them to take the first steps towards achieving this important endeavor. Dr. Rashidi and her team are planning to build a recommendation system for TAO to automatically recommend the best course of therapy to patients.