Author: Crimmins,Candi

Hudalla awarded tenure and promoted to associate professor

Congratulations to Dr. Gregory Hudalla for his recent award of tenure and promotion to associate professor! This recognition reflects Hudalla’s scholarly contributions to the discipline, the department and the institution. The tenure process involves recommendation by the department, review by… Read More

Fang receives UF Informatics Institute SEED Fund grant

Dr. Ruogu Fang, assistant professor, and UF Collaborators received a University of Florida Informatics Institute (Supporting Effective Educator Development) SEED Award for their research titled, “Multimodal Visual-Text Learning from Clinical Narrative and Image for Early Detection of Diabetic Retinopathy.” Fang… Read More

Gunduz invited to serve on NIH EITN Study Section

Congratulations to Dr. Aysegul Gunduz, associate professor and J. Crayton Pruitt Family Term Fellow,  who has been invited to serve as a standing member of the Emerging Imaging Technologies for Neuroscience (EITN) Study Section for the NIH Center for Scientific… Read More

Yang’s article published in Nature Machine Intelligence

Lin Yang, Ph.D.

Dr. Lin Yang, associate professor in the J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering, and researchers’ article, “Pathologist-level Interpretable Whole-slide Cancer Diagnosis with Deep Learning,” was recently published in Nature Machine Intelligence. Most carcinoma identification requires microscopy-level image assessment… Read More