>Congratulations to BME undergraduate student, Meggie Pires-Fernandes, on receiving the Jennie Henderson Murphree Scholarship by the University of Florida Women’s Club (UWC).
The Jennie Henderson Murphree Scholarship is awarded for excellence in leadership and service to the community to juniors or seniors with a 3.6 GPA or greater who demonstrate scholarship, responsible leadership and give service to the university and/or community.
The UWC Executive Board decided in 2002 to honor Jennie Henderson Murphree, the University of Florida’s first “First Lady”, with a University Women’s Club scholarship. Mrs. Murpree died in 1921, a year before the UWC was established. President Albert A. Murphree was instrumental in helping to organize the club when he called together 18 ladies to become charter members of what was at first known as the University of Florida Dames.