BME News

Pre-health advising kickoff

For those BME students who are pre-med, please take note of the Pre-Health advising kickoff which will be on: September 4, 2013 5:15pm-8:30pm in the Reitz Union.  More information about pre-health advising can be found at the UF advising center:… Read More

Dr. Ranganatha Sitaram’s research reported in Dana Foundation

Brain imaging in neuroscience adopts experimental paradigms correlating a particular behavioral manipulation as an independent variable and recording the brain responses as dependent variables. Novel approaches developed in Dr. Ranganatha Sitaram’s laboratory incorporate a complementary philosophy where brain activity is… Read More

Congratulations to our summer graduates!

Biomedical Engineering had a great group of graduates this summer! Congratulations and good luck to you all! Please keep in touch as we’d love to follow you and your successes.             PhD in Biomedical EngineeringMichael FennJennifer LeeYuelu LiuVikram Munikoti David StanleyMatthew… Read More

UF BME to have big showing at BMES Annual Meeting

UF BME will be hosting a booth and reception at the upcoming BMES Annual Meeting in Seattle and we’d love to have great representation! A strong, collective presence at this conference is important for UF’s overall visibility and faculty recruiting… Read More

UF BMES Student Chapter Approved

UF’s Biomedical Engineering Society (BMES) Student Chapter is officially approved!   These student chapters are the foundation for the BME society, uniting and promoting the future of the biomedical engineering profession. For rising biomedical engineers, these chapters offer the chance… Read More