Most biopsies following mammograms reveal benign abnormalities, not cancer. But women may not have to endure the medical costs, stress and potential complications that accompany such invasive biopsies forever. A University of Florida biomedical engineering researcher is making progress on… Read More
BME is on the move
We are excited to announce that we have started to move into the new Biomedical Sciences Building. Our department administration has moved, and you can now find us on the ground floor towards the back of the building (JG-56). We… Read More
BME publishes new affiliate faculty policy
The J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering has approved and published a new policy for affiliate faculty members.
When Phones Can’t Have Buttons Large Enough
Stephen Myers, a Ph.D student in Biomedical Engineering at the University of Florida, has invented a nifty RFID based system to help the elderly and people with bad hands dial the telephone without having to punch any keys. By swiping… Read More
BME student Chelsea Magin receives travel support
The Office of Research is providing student Chelsea Magin $300 in support for her to attend the Society of Women Engineers Annual Conference held in Long Beach, California on October 15-17, 2009. Congratulations on this unique opportunity!
BME student Il Park recieves travel support
The Office of Research is providing student Il Park $300 in support for him to attend the Society for Neuroscience 2009 Annual Meeting in Chicago, IL on October 17-21, 2009. Congratulations on this unique opportunity!
Babak Mahmoudi finalist in IEEE EMBS student competition
BME Ph.D. student Babak Mahmoudi was a finalist at the IEEE Engineering in Medicine Society’s student paper competition with his paper entitled “An Actor-Critic Architecture and Simulator for Goal-Directed Brain-Machine Interfaces”. The competition took place at the EMBS annual meeting… Read More
Website construction
Pardon our dust. We are currently working on our new website. Most of the information is here, but there are a few things still missing. The faculty directory is not yet complete, so if you see your name missing, we… Read More
Michelle Griffin leaves the department
Michelle Griffin has left the department to pursue the career she been training for. Michelle is getting ready to finish her Master in Public Health degree. She has started her very prestigious internship at the Centers for Disease Control in… Read More
2009-2010 University Scholars Program
We are pleased to announce that the following students and Department of Biomedical Engineering advisors have been selected as College of Engineering participants in the 2009-2010 University Scholars Program: Charles Crooks (student) / Dr. Benjamin Keselowsky (advisor)Christina Bonarrigo (student) /… Read More