BME News

J. Crayton Pruitt, Sr. 1931 – 2011

    It is with great sadness in our hearts that we note the passing of Dr. J. Crayton Pruitt, Sr.   Dr. Pruitt was a visionary leader for the J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering.   He… Read More

Huabei Jiang named UF Research Foundation Professor

BME Professor Huabei Jiang was named UF Research Foundation Professor for 2011.  Funded from royalty income from UF technologies, this prestigious professorship was awarded to 33 professors.  The three-year award includes an annual salary supplement and a one-time grant.  Please… Read More

Congratulations Bill Ditto

Congratulations to Bill Ditto, the founding chair of our department, for being named the new dean of the College of Natural Sciences at the University of Hawai Mānoa.  Dr. Ditto previously was one of the founding faculty at the BME department… Read More

What’s it worth: Biomedical Engineering

A recent publication from Georgetown University used new U.S. Census Bureau data to determine what a Bachelors degree is worth.  The Biomedical Engineering BS degree scored 17th at a median earnings of $68,000.  It is however clear that the BME… Read More

BME stimulates undergraduate research

Biomedical Engineering is hosting six new University Scholars for the 2011-2012 academic year. These six scholars will receive a $1,750 stipend to conduct their research, and the lab that hosts them will receive $500 to support the research. The following… Read More

BME Undergraduate Information Sessions

Biomedical Engineering will be holding Information sessions in conjunction with the College of Engineering.  Sessions are scheduled for the following dates:     March 30, 2011   April 7, 2011     The recommendation is to sign up for a… Read More

BME Soccer Wins First Playoff Game

BMES (Biomedical Engineering Soccer) garnered their first win of the season on Wednesday, March 16 at the most opportune time: their first playoff game. Lingering on the waiting list for a good part of the regular season, BMES was finally… Read More

Medical Physics joins BME

Biomedical Engineering announces today the merger of the Medical Physics graduate program with the Biomedical Engineering program.  A welcome reception was held to welcome the new students and faculty to the J. Crayton Pruitt Family Department of Biomedical Engineering.  Dean… Read More

Prof. Ding edits book on The Dynamic Brain

UF BME Professor Mingzhou Ding has edited a newly published book, The Dynamic Brain, by Oxford Press. His co-editor is Dr. Dennis Glanzman, the Program Chief of the Theoretical and Computational Neuroscience Program at the National Institute of Mental Health.… Read More