Masters Program
Financial support is limited for students admitted to the Masters of Engineering and Master of Science program. The department offers the Achievement Award Scholarship, Latin American Caribbean and the Glenn and Deborah Renwick Engineering (FL resident) (FL non-resident) scholarships that are used to offset tuition costs for selected exceptional applicants. MS applicants do not need to formally apply to be considered for this scholarship. For selected cases, a faculty member may elect to financially support a Masters-level student for a Graduate Assistantship, which can provide a stipend and tuition support. These are coordinated by the individual faculty member and are not facilitated by the graduate program or admissions committee.
Doctoral Program
All applicants to our PhD program are automatically considered for financial support when their applications are reviewed; however, applicants are strongly encouraged to pursue external funding opportunities, as we offer strong incentive packages for outstanding PhD students with external support (e.g. National Science Foundation Fellowships, see here for opportunities).
The majority of applicants admitted to our PhD program are offered a fellowship, a research assistantship, or a combination of the two. Fellowships are provided by the UF Graduate School and distributed at the departmental level. Again, students do not need to apply to be considered for these UF Fellowships. Graduate Research Assistantship are typically offered for students matched directly with a Doctoral Advisor, who will provide financial support. Fellowships and Assistantship include a stipend, a tuition waiver (to the student), and health insurance. See additional details on UF Graduate Fellowships. Current Graduate Assistant stipend levels are at $25,000 per year (plus tuition and health insurance support).
Cost of Attendance
We understand that all graduate student applicants have concerns regarding the cost of completing the program. Please see Student Financial Affairs, 2018-19 Academic Year Graduate Cost of Attendance.