The program relies on the synergistic collaboration of three parties: the teaching team (instructor, TA & STS), the LA, and the students. As such, each party will have a unique personal and professional experience defined by a set of objectives that can be assessed at the end of each semester1:
Objectives for the LA- Expand the LA’s learning toolkit by exploring research-based pedagogical strategies, like learning theories, learning techniques and their utility, cognitive engagement, metacognition, asset vs. deficit learning models, and team formation and dynamics.
- Transform the LA’s communication skills to be more constructive and supportive by learning the art of listening and questioning and how to guide students to the answer without providing the solution.
- Strengthen the LA’s leadership skills through the apprenticeship model of the LA program and by applying different bridging techniques with the students. LAs practice the following scenario: Where do I want my students to get to and when? What do the students know/don’t know now? How can we help them fill the gap and get there?
- Learn how to identify and actively remedy forms of implicit bias and racism in the classroom and help promote diversity, equity, and inclusivity.
- Improve academic performance by learning how to learn efficiently.
- Lessen the burden and stress that comes with navigating new and potentially hard as well as abstract STEM material.
- Improve the socio-emotional states of self-efficacy, STEM identity, and sense of belonging.
- Improve communication skills by applying principles of metacognition (I know how I think. I know how my instructor/TA thinks. How do I best formulate my question to receive the answer my brain needs to consolidate the new concept?)
- Enhance time management and communication skills.
- Create the opportunity to implement and investigate new instructional strategies that rely on team-based learning (TBL) or active learning using the LAs presence in the classroom or online platforms.
- Improve formative and summative assessments based on the feedback coming from the LAs about the classroom.
- Assess the effect of diversity, equity, inclusivity, and anti-racism on student outcomes.