The Application Process

Undergraduate students applying for an LA opportunity must fill out a BME LA application form to be matched to a BME LA-ready course. To make the matching process as efficient and fruitful as possible, applicants will choose three BME LA-ready courses that interest them describe how they see supporting the course with an LA could improve classroom dynamics and student outcomes. Applicants will do this by writing a brief Opportunity for Innovation/Improvement Statement (OIS). Opportunity Statements are the industry standard to identify a problem and pitch a solution. The provided template (text entry fields in the application form) and this short OIS guide will help the applicants focus their thoughts on what is essential and facilitate the matching process.

The LA application form must be filled out and submitted no later than than June 30th, 2023. Follow-up interviews will then be scheduled with potential candidates, and selected LAs will be informed of their assignment as soon as possible. A preview of the application form is provided at the end of the BME LA handbook. Please note that the application form requires a desktop device.

The instructors of BME LA-ready courses will be notified of the availability of qualified LA(s) that could potentially facilitate classroom dynamics. When matched to one of their three choices, LAs and instructors of a given BME course will receive an email with further instructions. Assigning LAs to their first choice is not guaranteed, but we will do our best.

Weekly preparation meetings

The LAs and the teaching team of the LA-supported course hold weekly preparation meetings. The preparation meeting is ~1 hour every 1-2 weeks and serves to discuss the course of action of the upcoming week and reflect on the results of the week before. During this meeting, LAs also provide feedback to the teaching team about any classroom observations (struggling students or groups, lagging students, confused students, stressed students, common issues…etc.).

To apply for an LA position, the applicant meet the following criteria:

  • Must be a BME major.
  • Must have taken the courses they wish to LA for with good standing within the last two semesters.
  • Must have no scheduling conflicts that would prevent them from attending their LA-ed course. If class schedule changes occur after Drop/Add week and the LA can’t attend their course anymore, they will have to forgo LA duties, and a different applicant will be considered.
  • Must have a course load of <17 credit hours.